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to get started cleaning up your bookkeeping before

we dive deep into setting up your business

for success and growth.

After setting up your quickbooks, go all in and enroll in

 The Business Behind Your Passion Course!

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quickbooks guide

business behind your passion

The backend work to your business is what drives it but it can be confusing, overwhelming and honestly not that fun at times. It can seem daunting to have to sit down and do budgets, inventory, tax prep and product ordering/retail analysis. Do the number scare you? Does client communication and boundaries seem stressful? Do you understand exactly what you need and when you need it for your business to operate? What if you could get everything in order, streamlined, understood and then you could get back to the reason you got into business to begin with? Your passion for the beauty industry and the creativity it brings.

The Business Behind Your Passion course takes the guess work out of understanding the key factors of your business. It is designed to help you get organized, understand your numbers, have systems in place to ensure your business is working for you. Instead of guessing when to place orders or how to price your services or what to save for taxes, this course gives you the details on how to set your self up for success. Creating a system allowed me to focus on my craft and not worry if I was going to hit my goals or what my goals even were! After 10 years in the industry, I had learned so much on what worked and didn’t work for my business and sharing those tips with others was a dream of mine. I wanted to help others avoid mistakes or round about ways to arrive at the solutions they needed. Business isn’t taught in beauty schools or 2 day courses for techniques, I wanted to provide the missing piece.

You have the passion, let’s make it a business!


the brow revival
lamination course

This course covers everything from start to finish that you need to know to offer this high end service.
Brow lamination and brow mapping and the proper application of hybrid dye is all included! Along with product knowledge and how to tailor the treatment to each client is discussed in length! I don’t leave out any element to this treatment. I want you to feel confident and comfortable moving forward as soon as you compete it!
Still unsure this is the right move? This course covers how to price this treatment, how to understand your numbers, the value you’ll be offering and how increase your overall growth revenue per year with this one service.
Bonus, it will only take you 3 clients to get your ROI!

What is a brow lamination? Brow lamination is a cosmetic treatment to achieve a fuller, more manageable, defined brow using a 3-step chemical process. In this process, the brow hairs are manipulated into a position that aims to create a fuller more uniformed and defined look. The results will be that the client can style their brows however they want to post procedure.



"This course was so helpful! I started my lash business about 2 years ago and it was a struggle to say the least to get started. I had no idea what I was doing, and this course helped me in so many ways on how to run my business correctly and professionally! Mikaela goes into detail about everything from numbers, how to price your services, and how to run the back end of your business. She also gives details on real life experiences that she has gone through in her 10+ years of being a beauty provider and how it has gotten her to where she is at today!! Definitely recommend for anyone in the beauty industry to invest into this course!!"


"The Buisness Behind Your Passion course is so awesome! It was easy to follow and great for anyone about to start a buisness, or someone who already has a buisness but wants to learn more about their finances. The worksheets were my favorite part! They helped me visually see how I can keep improving. It helped motivate me so much and reach my goals. It's a must!"




Jujubes icing croissant sweet gummi bears jelly beans gummies liquorice.

Sweet roll fruitcake candy gummies marshmallow. Sweet roll topping pastry.

Oat cake jelly beans marshmallow jelly-o. Bear claw chocolate.

Jelly-o gummi bears wafer. Oat cake cupcake bonbon toffee. Jelly tiramisu gummi bears jelly beans dragée dragée cupcake fruitcake. Jelly beans pastry toffee halvah caramels. Jujubes chocolate cake croissant powder marshmallow lemon drops jujubes gingerbread gingerbread. Gummi bears macaroon ice cream jujubes gingerbread sesame snaps sweet tootsie roll. Toffee candy donut chupa chups sugar plum liquorice muffin tiramisu. 

Name Here




Jujubes icing croissant sweet gummi bears jelly beans gummies liquorice.

Sweet roll fruitcake candy gummies marshmallow. Sweet roll topping pastry.

Oat cake jelly beans marshmallow jelly-o. Bear claw chocolate.

Jelly-o gummi bears wafer. Oat cake cupcake bonbon toffee. Jelly tiramisu gummi bears jelly beans dragée dragée cupcake fruitcake. Jelly beans pastry toffee halvah caramels. Jujubes chocolate cake croissant powder marshmallow lemon drops jujubes gingerbread gingerbread. Gummi bears macaroon ice cream jujubes gingerbread sesame snaps sweet tootsie roll. Toffee candy donut chupa chups sugar plum liquorice muffin tiramisu. 

Name Here


Mikaela is available for mentorship calls and follow up meetings to help after the course! 60 and on mins calls or meetings will be available for all students to schedule at a student rate!

What happens if i need more help after taking the course?

This course is for those just starting out and those already in business. It will help those already in business make sure they are on the right track and have systems in place to make their business run smoothly while they can get back to doing the thing the love!

Can I take this course even if I’m already in business or work for someone else?

This course is 100% designed for you to work at your own pace and take what you need for your business. You can take all the modules and information an apply it as you go! This is a guide to get you to where you see your self being in business.

Will I be able to work at my own pace or is this course on a time restraint?